There are some who start their retirement long before they stop working. -Robert Half

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Grammy really wants me to be organized. Really really. I'm not a very organized person, so when I moved in, I think I shocked Grammy with my lack of organization. For example, when I moved in:
-I didn't seperate my clothes when I put them away. I just shoved them into drawers.
-I have a lot of shoes and I didn't set them on a shoe rack. I just piled them in the closet.
-All my jewelry was just piled in a box.
-My summer clothes were mixed in with my winter clothes.
-My closet was extremely full of clothes
-My makeup was in a bucket on the dresser

I'm not really "messy," just cluttered. Anyway, Grammy has been working on me all year and I guess I'm a little more organized. Now, Grammy got me a shoe rack, and when my shoes aren't nicely lined up, she goes in and fixes them. She emptied out a drawer in my dresser and lined it so that I could put my jewelry in it. Grammy also went through and took out all my summer clothes and summer shoes and put them into storage. For my makeup, we found a little box and she also put a cover down on the dresser to set my makeup on. She found a tray to set all my perfume and lotion on, and also found a matching tray to put in the bathroom to set all my face and hair products on.
Currently, she is trying to get me to seperate all my clothes in my drawers and to get another shoe rack, so that all my shoes have a home. Sometimes I come home from work and there is a new box or rack that is organizing something else in my room. The other day, a mail rack showed up, since I previously piled all of my mail on any visible surface.
Grammy is the most organized person in the world; I think she gets this from being so perfect. Everything in the house has a special place. The best, though, is the treasure safe. This is where Grammy keeps all of her family heirlooms and keepsakes. It is so awesome, and she know right where everything goes. One day, when I first moved in, Grammy and I went down and went through all the things in the safe. My favorite keepsakes are my great-great-grandma, great-grandma (NaNa), and Grammy's wedding rings. I have no idea where I got my fat child fingers, because all of their rings are tiny. The only finger I could fit any of them on was my pinky finger. My fat fingers must be from my dad's side...
A couple weeks ago Grammy wore Nana's ring to church and then went to Kline's for Sunday lunch. After lunch, her and Papa went to WalMart and then came home and put away all the food. While Grammy was getting ready for her 20 min nap (she ONLY naps for 20 minutes a day. She says it is amazing and just revives her immediately), she noticed that the ring was gone and she started panicking. Something told her to go to the trashcan and look through the WalMart bags, and when she did, she found the ring. When she told me this story, she said: "God was looking out for me. He must have known how upset I would be to lose that ring!" And then she decided that she was going to leave that ring in the treasure trove.
When I told Papa that I had seen all the treasures, he didn't believe me. I tried everything I could to convince him, but nothing worked. I had to resort to listing off the contents of the trove and reminding him that I know everything. It worked.


  1. I think I need a Treasure Trove. What sort of container is it?

  2. I read that a short (15-20 min) nap is the best way to revive oneself... grammy is so smart!

  3. Julie, I hope you don't mind me stalking your blog.

    I do enjoy your writing; it's a great trip down memory lane. Maybe I'm just looking for some help explaining some of my own quirks!
    Uncle Jeff

  4. I want to see pictures of your organization. Especially all the trays you have.
