There are some who start their retirement long before they stop working. -Robert Half

Sunday, February 8, 2009

A visit.

The other weekend, two of my friends, Sarah and Abby, came to visit me and the grandparents. It was great. Here is how it went:

Friday, 5:30 pm: Abby and Sarah arrived at our house, and Papa was immediately ready to go to Clancy's and eat. So, we all piled in the Lincoln and headed to Rosebud. Sarah gets really carsick really easily, and Papa pulses the gas when he drives, so we're constantly bobbing forward and backward, and Sarah later told me she almost threw up in the car. I'm glad she didn't. At Clancy's, Papa wanted to try a new beer and he had one that he liked, but he couldn't remember what it was, so after the waitress went through all the beers on tap, Papa, Sarah, Abby and I all got a Smithwick's. Papa didn't really like it. He kept telling me how I better be careful about drinking and driving. I told him that I'll be ok, and he should be careful. Grammy took my side: "Alcohol affects old people more than young people. We're on all these meds!" We all got the fish and chips special, but Abby got a baked potato like Grammy, and Sarah got onion rings like Papa.

Friday, 7 pm: Abby, Sarah and I piled into my car and headed to Bourbon for the high school basketball game. Papa didn't want to go, so him and Grammy went to the Owensville game instead. We got front row seats (I know! We're so lucky! Front row at the Bourbon vs. Vienna basketball game!). Right when we walked in the door, my students bombarded me. It was a little overwelming. We think Bourbon won the game (we left early, but they were ahead.) Go Warhawks! (Yes, a "warhawk" is an imaginary bird...).

Friday, 10 pm: We arrived back at home. Then we just talked for a long time. It is nice to talk to people my own age.

Saturday, 9:45 am: I woke up because I heard Grammy talking to Sarah and Abby. Grammy, Papa, and I made breakfast: french toast, bananas, oranges, grapefruit, strawberries, blueberries, bacon, and breakfast dessert (cinnamon rolls Grammy and Papa bought from Owensville High School at the game). Sarah and Abby made fun of me because I didn't let my fruit touch any other type of fruit. You can't mix regular fruit and citrus fruits. It is not ok. Papa understands.

Saturday, 12 pm: We went down and looked at my quilt. They were impressed. I'm a quilting superstar. Grammy showed us all her quilt tops and all the patterns she is thinking about putting on them. She loves her quilts.

Saturday, 2:30 pm: Papa came up to me and asked:
Papa: You getting ready to leave?
Julie: Yup, we're about packed
Papa: Good, good.
Sarah and I walked outside to get in my mom's car (she left it down here for Papa to take to his mechanic Neil. Neil is the best, remember?) and the car was gone. We figured that he went to fill it with gas, so we just stood around and talked to Grammy longer.

Saturday, 3 pm: We were still waiting for Papa to get back and we started joking about how he probably went to McDonald's. Grammy decided to go look for him. She came back driving mom's car. He went to McDonald's. Sarah asked us what he does at McDonald's and Grammy and I had to tell her we have no idea what he does there. I think he eats ice cream.

Saturday, 3:30 pm: I took the scenic route to Columbia. Whoops. I forgot Sarah gets really car sick. Once again, I'm glad she didn't throw up.


  1. Sounds like a fun time was had by all!

  2. Well, we think Bourbon won the game.

  3. Oh my God, I want to hug you right now! This is the most incredible blog I have ever read!

    "We're on all these meds!" Absolutely priceless!
